Friday, July 5, 2013


assalamualaikum wbr, 

morsi ia a prime minister which is selected fairly from the election. for some people they dont want morsi in the country anymore because morsi didnt bring up any goodness to egypt. actually he really had bring up good to egypt yet some people dont know what he's doing actually, because what they see is more to the negative side. what peculiar is when morsi become a presiden the community demand for something that impossible to happen in a short time, they demand egypt to standup like japan and like other modern country in a year. 
so when they cant see a high building like klcc in a year, they cant be patient anymore,so the riot started .
thats why there is "pro-morsi" and "anti morsi". 
apart from that, anti morsi afraid that syiar Islam will spread widely in Egypt. that's why pro-morsi try to defend this Hafiz because he had the tendency to build a full Muslims country with Islam syariah and modernisation.
but the sucularis didnt see it that way.

here is a question to pardon about.

have you ever think that since the riot happening nowadays it is actually a sign that Allah want to show the true color of the real muslim, munafikun , liberal , and secularis. 

it happened in egypt, there are many category of people in muslims which among of them who obey Allah dan disobey, we are blinded before because we cant see who is secularis and liberal. Morsi is just a tool to attract the secular to showup among the true muslim. so when Mursi try to protect the Muslims right and build an entirely Muslim counrty, the secularis came out and show themselves to the world that there are actually a betrayer in Islam.

it also happened in Malaysia.  
when Malaysia is fighting in the last election. Pas is trying to defend the Islam status in Malaysia, and to do that they need to against the are secularis. so when there is a chance Pas in winning the election, There is a snake in the grass .Secularis wont let Pas hold the victory. either way The secularis need to win this so they used some tactics to win it. lastly, people caught them for cheating. this immediately change the status of this Umno party.

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